

Olya Peneva

Olya is a business and human rights specialist who believes in the application of a human rights-based approach to resolving global problems. As the founder of the Foundation, she is committed to advancing the business and human rights framework in Bulgaria. She holds а Law Degree from Monash University, Australia specializing in environmental law and international commercial arbitration. In 2021 she graduated with her Master’s from the EMA Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice, Italy where she analyzes implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles in Bulgaria through the gender equality framework. She is one of the authors of and Klimateka. Olya is a member of the Association of Sustainability Specialists and a member of the CEE&CA BHR Association which is the regional network of business and human rights experts in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


business and human rights, gender equality, climate change and just transition, digitalization and AI.


Training “Women’s rights in the changing world of work”; ESG Academy Sofia University and Association of Sustainability Specialists

Оля Пенева

Yordanka Svilenova

Yordanka is a communication engineer who devoted her work to web design even before completing her course at the Technical University, Sofia. Her passion is visual arts, technology, and photography. After training in several areas of digital marketing – she can not only design a brand, but she can also build the entire digital communication – from the website to social media. After almost two decades of professional experience, she understands how her skills can contribute to something meaningful and has become among the first members of the team to support the cause of the BFBHR as a web and graphic designer. 


photography, sustainability, climate change, traveling, city urban environment



Rumiana Yankova-Ivanova

Rumiana is a Master of Law, specialist with many years of experience in the field of labour, administrative and European law, public procurement, and European projects. She graduated in law at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski, where she specialized in International Law, Public Administration, and Administration of Justice. She is currently completing a Master’s degree in Responsible and Sustainable Governance at the Faculty of Economics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Kliment”. Kliment Ohridski”. She has participated as a collaborator in the process of synchronization of Bulgarian legislation with European legislation at the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. 


International Law Public Procurement and Free Competition, Gender Equality, Climate and Just Transition, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.


Training “Women’s rights in the changing world of work”

Румяна Янкова-Иванова
Йоанна Минчева

Ioanna Mincheva

Ioanna has a Master’s Degree in human Rights and Democratization from the EMA Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice, and a Bachelor’s Degree in international relations from the Faculty of Law at Sofia University, “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Her specialization is in gender and social studies at Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Ioanna has extensive experience in the initiation, registration, and project management of grants in the EU and Bulgaria and is well acquainted with the programs and funding mechanisms in the non-governmental sphere. She is the author of municipal programs for the introduction of digital technologies in education and has written articles on the subject. She is the co-chair of the Orion Grid (NGO) and one of the co-founders of the KidsGo platform.


education, STEAM and digital technologies, technology and human rights, women’s rights and LGBTI, empowerment of vulnerable groups, diversity and social inclusion, biotechnology, research and development, sustainability, and science communication.


Women’s rights and diversity; Technology and Human Rights

Galina Kirilova

Galina has a Master’s Degree in Economics and a Master’s Degree in philology in Bulgarian and Russian. Her professional experience is in the field of finance as a judicial administrator and chief accountant in public administration and the banking sector. In the last six months, she has devoted herself more to topics close to her heart, related to adaptation and resilience to climate change, diversity, equality, inclusion, awareness of the need for sustainable business conduct, a sustainable future in the context of the world we will leave behind. ESG approach in management.


Climate change and just transition, human rights, volunteering, photography, travel, design, culture, contemporary art, urban environment.


"Climate Change"

Галина Кирилова